VASE Ellipsometer
Ellipsometry is an optical technique for investigating the dielectric properties (complex refractive index or dielectric function) of thin films. It is useful for research on all types of materials, including semiconductors, dielectrics, polymers, metals, multi-layers, and more. The VASE at the University of Richmond combines high accuracy and precision with variable wavelength (240 – 3200 nm), angle of incidence (15° – 90°), and temperature control (-70° to 600° C), enabling flexible measurement capabilities.
Spectral Range
Standard 240 to 2500 nm
+XXIR extension 2500 to 3200 nm
Angle of Incidence
+Fully automated
+Range: 15° to 90° (standard system)
+Accuracy: 0.01°
Data Acquisition Rate
+Typical: 0.1 to 3 seconds per wavelength, depending on reflectivity of sample.
+High Accuracy: measurements using full-AutoRetarder capability require 20 seconds per wavelength.
WVASE – data acquisition, data analysis, optical simulations
Light Source
75-watt, convection-cooled xenon lamp
Temperature Control
+ Range: -70° to 600° C with stability of 0.1° C.