Departmental Honors

The Departmental Honors Program in Physics was established to encourage and recognize students to pursue research and expanded study in physics. To earn high honors in physics, students must produce and defend an honors thesis/document based on their own research and exceed the standard coursework for the physics major while maintaining a minimum GPA.

 If you are interested or would like to find out more about the honors program, please contact Dr. Ted Bunn.

 Eligible to apply if:

  • 5 units total

  • 5 units in 200+ level physics

  • GPA 3 in physics and overall

  Requirements to graduate with honors:

  • Regular physics BS requirements

  • +1 unit research (381, 382)

  • +2 additional 200+ level physics courses

  • Senior Seminar “at an honors level”

  • Maintain GPA 3 in physics and overall