Faculty & Staff

Dr. Jack Singal
My research connects several important topics in the emerging era of big data astrophysics and takes a view of the universe across the electromagnetic spectrum. We carry out population studies of active galaxies and explore questions such as how they have changed over the history of the Universe, utilizing observational data from ground and satellite-based surveys in visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and other kinds of light. I have several projects with external collaborators to explore the mystery of the diffuse radio background, with both new measurements and theoretical studies. My group also explores new machine learning strategies for photometric redshift estimation in large-scale surveys.
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TEDxYouth@RVA The Universe: All the Light We Cannot See.
December 20, 2022
Stanford University, KIPAC Discover Our Universe, "Alien Life & UFOs"
UR Now Video: Mars IngenuityPublic Talk: The Light Our Eyes Can't See
University of Richmond Downtown, June 6, 2017Presentation: CMB@50 Conference
Princeton University, June 10, 2015Colloquium: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Harvard University, February 11, 2016 -
Professional Experience
Visiting Scholar, Stanford University (2021-2022)
Postdoctoral Scientist, Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (2007-2013)
Postdoctoral Resesarcher, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (2007)
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
"Redshift Prediction with Images for Cosmology using a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with Conformal Predictions." E. Jones, T. Do, Y. Li, K. Alfaro, J. Singal, & B. Boscoe, 2024, The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 974, 159
"Constraints on the Origin of the Radio Synchrotron Background via Angular Correlations." E. Todarello, M. Regis, F. Bianchini, J. Singal, E. Branchini, F. Cowie, S. Heston, S. Horiuchi, D. Lucero and A. Offringa, 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 530, 2994
“Diffuse Sources, Clustering, and the Excess Anisotropy of the Radio Synchrotron Background.” F.J. Cowie, A.R. Offringa, B. Gehlot, J. Singal, S. Heston, S. Horiuchi, and D.M. Lucero, 2023, MNRAS, 523, 5034
“The Second Radio Synchrotron Background Workshop: Conference Summary and Report.” J. Singal, N. Fornengo, M. Regis, + 24 co-authors, 2023, PASP, 135, 136001
“Can the Distance-Redshift Relation Be Determined from the Correlations Between Luminosities.” V. Petrosian, J. Singal, and S. Mutchnick, 2022, Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL), 935, L19
“The X-ray Luminosity Function Evolution of Quasars and the Correlation Between the X-ray and Ultraviolet Luminosities." J. Singal, S. Mutchnick, and V. Petrosian, 2022, ApJ, 932, 111
"Machine Learning Classification to Identify Catastrophic Outlier Photometric Redshift Estimates.” J. Singal, G. Silverman, E. Jones, T. Do, B. Boscoe, and Y. Wan, 2022, ApJ, 928, 6
"Photometric Redshifts for Cosmology: Improving Accuracy and Uncertainty Estimates Using Bayesian Neural Networks.” E. Jones, T. Do, Y. Wan, Z. Nguyen, B. Boscoe, and J. Singal, (in Machine Learning in the Physical Sciences NeurlPS 2021)
"Measurement of the Anisotropy Power Spectrum of the Radio Synchrotron Background.” A.R. Offringa, J. Singal, S. Heston, S. Horiuchi, and D.M. Lucero, 2021, MNRAS, 509, 114
“Outlier Prediction and Training Set Modification to Reduce Catastrophic Outlier Redshift Estimates in Large-scale Surveys.” M. Wyatt and J. Singal, 2021, PASP, 133, 044504
“Tests of Catastrophic Outlier Prediction in Empirical Photometric Redshift Estimation with Redshift Probability Distributions.” E. Jones and J. Singal, 2020, PASP, 132, 024501
Waveband Luminosity Correlations in Flux-Limited
Multwavelength Data.” J. Singal, V. Petrosian, S. Malik, & J. Haider, 2019, ApJ, 877, 1“The Radio Synchrotron Background: Conference Summary and Report.” J. Singal, J. Haider, M. Ajello, D. R. Ballantyne, E. Bunn, J. Condon, J. Dowell, D. Fixsen, N. Fornengo, B. Harms, G. Holder, E. Jones, K. Kellermann, A. Kogut, T. Linden, R. Monsalve, P. Mertsch, E. Murphy, E. Orlando, M. Regis, D. Scott, T. Vernstrom, & L. Xu, 2018, PASP, 130, 985
Analysis of a Custom Support Vector Machine for Photometric Redshift Estimation and the Inclusion of Galaxy Shape Information. E. Jones & J. Singal, 2017, A&A, 600, A113.
The Mid-Infrared Luminosity Evolution and Luminosity Function of Quasars with SDSS and WISE. J. Singal, J. George, and A. Gerber, 2016, ApJ, 831, 60
A Determination of the Gamma-ray Flux and Photon Spectral Index Distributions of Blazars from the Fermi-LAT 3LAC. J. Singal, 2015, MNRAS, 115, 122
Axial Ratio of Edge-On Spiral Galaxies as a Test For Bright Radio Halos. J. Singal, A. Kogut, E. Jones, and H. Dunlap, 2015, ApJ, 799, L10
Gamma-ray Luminosity and Photon Index Evolution of FSRQ Blazars and Contribution to the Gamma-ray Background. J. Singal, A. Ko, and V. Petrosian, 2014, ApJ, 786, 109
Geant4 Applications for Modeling Molecular Transport in Complex Vacuum Geometries. J. Singal, J. Langton, and R. Schindler, 2014, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 5, 2
Determination of the intrinsic Luminosity Time Correlation in the X-ray Afterglows of GRBs. M. Dainotti, V. Petrosian, J. Singal, and M. Ostrowski, 2013, ApJ, 774, 157
“The Radio and Optical Luminosity Evolution of Quasars II – The SDSS Sample.” J. Singal, V. Petrosian, L. Stawarz, and A. Lawrence, 2013, ApJ, 764, 43
“Flux and Photon Spectral Index Distributions of Fermi-LAT Blazars and Contribution to the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background.” J. Singal, V. Petrosian, and M. Ajello, 2012, ApJ, 753, 45
“On The Radio and Optical Luminosity Evolution of Quasars.” J. Singal, V. Petrosian, A. Lawrence, and L. Stawarz, 2011, ApJ, 743, 104
“The Efficacy of Galaxy Shape Parameters in Photometric Redshift Estimation: A Neural Network Approach.” J. Singal, M. Shmakova, B. Gerke, and J. Lotz, 2011, PASP, 615, 621
“The ARCADE 2 Instrument.” J. Singal, D. Fixsen, A. Kogut, S. Levin, M. Limon, P. Lubin, P. Mirel, M. Seiffert, T. Villela, E. Wollack, and C.A. Wuensche, 2011, ApJ, 730, 138
“ARCADE 2 Measurement of the Absolute Sky Brightness at 3-90 GHz.” D. Fixsen, A. Kogut, S. Levin, M. Limon, P. Lubin, P. Mirel, M. Seiffert, J. Singal, T. Villela, E. Wollack, and C.A. Wuensche, 2011, ApJ, 734, 5
“ARCADE 2 Observations of Galactic Radio Emission.” A. Kogut, D. Fixsen, S. Levin, M. Limon, P. Lubin, P. Mirel, M. Seiffert, J. Singal, T. Villela, E. Wollack, and C.A. Wuensche, 2011, ApJ, 734, 4
“Interpretation of the ARCADE 2 Absolute Sky Brightness Measurement.” M. Seiffert, D. Fixsen, A. Kogut, S. Levin, M. Limon, P. Lubin, P. Mirel, J. Singal, T. Villela, E. Wollack, and C.A. Wuensche, 2011, ApJ, 734, 6
“Sources of the Radio Background Considered.” J. Singal, L. Stawarz, A. Lawrence, and V. Petrosian, 2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 409, 1172
“The Cosmic Radio Background and AGN Connection.” J. Singal, L. Stawarz, A. Lawrence, and V. Petrosian, 2010, IJMPD, 19, 965
“A Multi-Chamber System for Analyzing the Outgassing, Deposition, and Associated Optical Degradation Properties of Materials in a Vacuum.” J. Singal, R. Schindler, C. Chang, P. Czodrowski, and P. Kim, 2010, Rev Sci Instrum, 81, 025101
“PHAT: Photo-z Accuracy Testing.” H. Hildebrandt, S. Arnouts, P. Capak, L. Moustakas, C. Wolf, F. Abdalla, R. Assef, M. Banerj, G. Brammer, S. Carliles, D. Coe, T. Dahlen, R. Feldmann, D. Gerdes, B. Gillis, R. Kotulla, I. Li, J.-M. Miralles, N. Purger, S. Schmidt, and J. Singal, 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A), 523, A31
In the News
Spectrum News 1 LA: Odysseus Mission Makes History With Moon Landing
Thu., Feb. 22, 2024Gizmodo: What Do the UFO Videos Really Show?
Mon., Jul. 19, 2021The Watchdog: U Of Richmond Prof Jack Singal On UFO Report
Mon., Jun. 28, 2021The Conversation: Does outer space end -- or go on forever?
Mon., Jun. 21, 2021Richmond Times-Dispatch: Jack Singal column: UFOs -- a time for open-minded skepticism
Sun., Jun. 6, 2021USA Today: Aliens likely aren't visiting Earth, but scientists believe they're out there. Here's how they're searching for intelligent life.
Fri., Jun. 4, 20218News: UFO intelligence report due next month after military sightings, including off Virginia coast
Fri., May. 28, 2021The Washington Post: China launches moon mission, seeking to be first country in decades to collect lunar rocks
Mon., Nov. 23, 2020Space.com: Space roar -- NASA detected the loudest sound in the universe, but what is it?
Wed., Aug. 5, 2020WRVA: Congress Ready to Ruin Space Program
Thu., Jan. 30, 2020Academic Minute: Jack Singal, University of Richmond - Moon Landings
Wed., Oct. 9, 2019CBS 6: Richmonder left mark on moon without ever leaving Earth
Sat., Jul. 20, 2019WRVA Radio: From the Space Race to the Moon
Fri., Jul. 19, 2019ABC News: Why the Apollo 11 moon landing conspiracy theories have endured despite being debunked numerous times
Thu., Jul. 18, 2019ABC 8 News: UR physics professor talks Moon Landing legacy as 50th anniversary approaches
Fri., Jul. 5, 2019The Collegian: Physics professor crowned champion at UR's first professor life raft debate
Wed., Apr. 17, 2019CNN: What's next for NASA's Mars InSight lander?
Wed., Nov. 28, 2018ABC 8 News: University of Richmond Professor talks all things eclipse
Thu., Aug. 17, 2017KBND: Eclipse Eyewear Necessary For Central Oregonians
Thu., Jul. 27, 2017