Faculty & Staff

Dr. Christine C. Helms
My research interests are in the areas of biophysics, atomic force microscopy, nanomechanics, and hemostasis. Specific interests include:
- Mechanical Properties and force detection by AFM: Atomic force microscopy can be used to impart and measure force on nanometer and micron sized objects. My interests are in applying normal and lateral force microscopy to nanofibers such as the blood coagulation fiber fibrin, as well as vascular cells such as endothelial cells.
- Interaction of NO and NO metabolites with vascular components: Nitric oxide (NO) plays a role in hemostasis through vasodilation, inflammation, platelet aggregation, and nitrosylation. My interests are in further exploring the role of NO interactions in the vasculature as they may benefit blood flow and blood clotting.
For more information on research of teaching see my personal website.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
C.C. Helms. “Variability in individual native fibrin fibers mechanics.” Physical Biology. 2024.21(066003) doi:10.1088/1478-3975/ad899f
Helms, Christine C., Shannon Kapadia, Anne C. Gilmore, Zhexi Lu, Swati Basu, and Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro. "Exposure of fibrinogen and thrombin to nitric oxide donor ProliNONOate affects fibrin clot properties." Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis: An International Journal in Haemostasis and Thrombosis (October 13, 2016). doi: 10.1097/MBC.0000000000000602
W. Li, J. Sigley, M. Pieters, C.C. Helms, C. Nagaswami, J. W. Weisel, M. Guthold “Fibrin Fiber Stiffness Is Strongly Affected by Fiber Diameter, but not by Fibrinogen Glycation.” Biophysical Journal. 2016.110(6):1400-1410.
C. Liu, N. Wajih, X. Liu, S. Basu, J. Janes, M. Marvel, C. Keggi, C.C. Helms, A.N. Lee, A.M. Belanger, D.I. Diz, P.J. Laurienti, D.L. Caudell, J. Wang, M.T. Gladwin, D.B. Kim-Shapiro. “Mechanisms of Human Erythrocytic Bioactivation of Nitrite.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015.290(2):1281-94.
M.J. Berry, N.W. Justus, J.I. Hauser, A.H. Case, C.C. Helms, S. Basu, Z. Rogers, M.T. Lewis, G.D. Miller. “Dietary nitrate supplementation improves exercise performance and decreases blood pressure in COPD patients.” Nitric Oxide. 2014.48(1):22-30.
D. Wang, I. Cortes-Puch, J. Sun, S.B. Solomon , T. Kanias, K. Remy, J. Feng, M. Alimchandani, M. Quezado, C.C. Helms, A. Perlegas, M.T. Gladwin, D.B. Kim-Shapiro, H. Klein, C. Natanson. “Transfusions of older stored blood worsens outcomes in canines depending on the presence and severity of pneumonia.” Transfusion. 2014.54(7):1712-1724.
C.C. Helms, M. Marvel, W. Zhao, M. Stahle, R. Vest, G.J. Kato, J.S. Lee, G. Christ, M.T. Gladwin, R.R. Hantgan, D.B. Kim-Shapiro. “Mechanisms of hemolysis-associated platelet activation.” Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2013.11(12):2148-2154.
C.C. Helms and D. Kim-Shapiro. “Hemoglobin-mediated nitric oxide signaling.” Free Radic Biol Med. 2013. 61:464-472
D. Wang, B. Piknova, S.B. Solomon, I. Cortes-Puch, S.J. Kern, J. Sun, T. Kanias, M.T. Gladwin, C.C. Helms, D.B. Kim-Shapiro, A.N. Schechter, C. Natanson. “In vivo reduction of cell-free methemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin results in vasoconstriction in canines.” Transfusion. 2013. 53(12):3149-63
R.D. Averett, B. Menn, E.H. Lee, C.C. Helms, T. Baker, M. Guthold. “A modular fibrinogen model that captures the stress-strain behavior of fibrin fibers.” Biophysics Journal. 2012. 103(7):1537-44.
J. Tejero, S. Basu, C.C. Helms, N. Hogg, S.B. King, D.B. Kim-Shapiro, M.T. Gladwin. "Low NO concentration dependence of the reductive nitrosylation reaction of hemoglobin". Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012. 287(22):18262-74
C.C. Helms, R. Ariëns, S. Uitte de Willige, K. Standeven, M. Guthold. “Alpha-alpha Cross-Links Increase Fibrin Fiber Elasticity and Stiffness.” Biophysical Journal. 2012. 102(1):168-175.
S. Baker, J. Sigley, C. Carlisle, J. Stitzel, J. Berry, M. Guthold. “The mechanical properties of dry, electrospun fibrinogen fibers.” Materials Science and Engineering C. 2011. 32: 215-221
J. Kim, H. Song, I. Park, C. Carlisle, K. Bonin, M. Guthold. “Denaturing of single electrospun fibrinogen fibers studied by deep ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy.” Microscopy Research and Technique. 2011. 74(3): 219-224.
W. Liu, C.R. Carlisle, E.A. Sparks, M. Guthold. “The mechanical properties of single fibrin fibers.” Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2010. 8(5): 1030-1036 (co-first author)
C.R. Carlisle, E.A. Sparks, C. Der Loughiam, M. Guthold. “Strength and Failure of Fibrin Fiber Branch Points.” Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2010. 8(5): 1135-1138.
C.R. Carlisle, C. Coulais, M. Guthold. “The mechanical stress-strain properties of single electrospun collagen type I nanofibers.” Acta Biomaterialia. 2010. 6(8): 2997-3003.
C.R. Carlisle, C. Coulais, M. Namboothiry, D. Carroll, R.R. Hantgan, M. Guthold. “The mechanical properties of individual, electrospun fibrinogen fibers.” Biomaterials. 2009. 30(6): 1205-1213.
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